Flag Printables - excellent resource for printing each countries flag as a coloring page.
Map Solutions - I use this to guide students in filling in blackline maps. There are options for every region and it makes a nice answer key.
Blackline Maps - These can be found for free all over the interwebz, but I like that these have the capitals already marked with a star.
Math Resources - As I find free math printables and activities, I add them to this pinterest board.
Random Christmas ideas - I apologize that it isn't more organized, but I've pinned lots of ideas on this Christmas School pinterest page. I hope to separate it out for Language Arts, Geography, etc. soon.
Map Solutions - I use this to guide students in filling in blackline maps. There are options for every region and it makes a nice answer key.
Blackline Maps - These can be found for free all over the interwebz, but I like that these have the capitals already marked with a star.
Math Resources - As I find free math printables and activities, I add them to this pinterest board.
Random Christmas ideas - I apologize that it isn't more organized, but I've pinned lots of ideas on this Christmas School pinterest page. I hope to separate it out for Language Arts, Geography, etc. soon.